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Hey, Colin MacDonald is the captain this year!

I like that because I like Colin. He is a defenseman and stops people.

I like it when he comes to my school too! (On the right and with Cody Payne also)

We don't have captains on my team, Arsenal. When we get a penalty, our coach says we have to go straight to the penalty box and he will handle talking to the referee.

I play defense so I get some penalties trying to stop people. When I am in the penalty box, my mom usually takes a picture. I think the pictures are still on her phone which is good. I am number 18 and we have the camouflage jerseys. I chose number 18 two years ago for Alex Aleardi of the Whalers but he changed his number to 40 and I just kept number 18 because I like it.

I looked at our schedule and it looks like there is a team called the Whalers in our league this season. It better not be Plymouth.

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