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Signing tour and Curd’s new friends

   I have just returned from a four week signing tour of Waterstone’s branches (thanks to all) where I met many enthusiastic kids (and adults), such as Sam Gamble, aged 11: “ I was reading Pele's autobiography which is a great book when i bought Curd the lion in the amazing adventures in the land at the back of beyond. i read a few pages and couldn't put it down. it is one of the best books i have ever read in my life.” and William Lucas, aged 10: “Its a brilliant book. I recommend it. I met Alan in Waterstones and he told me all about his book. I really like the characters as they're funny and silly and its based in a real place. It's got a good story to it as well. I have been staying up late reading it in bed.” or Sarah Pickering: “We have bought your book about Curd the Lion for my daughter's birthday on 7 August. We will be camping up there from 1 Aug and are hoping to visit and do the walk shown on the map in the book. Can you let me know the real name of the places, please, as we're unsure where to go! Many thanks”
    I sold 470 books in all on a four week, four/five shops a week, tour. Pretty satisfactory!
See next post for some possibly VERY exciting news.

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